Every event is different, whether it be social, outreach, fundraising, educational, activism, etc. You might host a guest speaker, throw a party, or manage a collection drive. The endless options make your task seem complicated and daunting, but event planning can actually be simplified into a few steps.

You’ve heard it before: who, what, where, when, why, and how.

But how does this translate into event planning?


Let’s start with the what

What’s your event for? What do you plan to do at this event? If you know what you want to do or accomplish overall, it’ll be much easier for you to plan the details of your function.


What’s your purpose? Goals? Ambitions? Whether you are hosting a social, fundraiser, or something else, there’s a reason you’re coming together. Clearly establish your intentions and expectations in order to execute a successful and consistent plan.


Who is your intended audience? Who do you want to attend or participate? Who benefits from this event? Who do you need to help run it? How many people are you expecting to help and attend?


Date: Take into consideration the season, month, week, and day you plan to host this event. Will the weather affect you? What else is going on around you on this day? Will people be available?

Time: Same thing here -> Is this a busy time of day? Will it be too hot or too cold? Too bright or too dark? Too busy or too empty?


Location: Is this available, accessible, and appropriate for your event? Do you have to reserve this area ahead of time? Is it big enough for the amount of people you’re expecting and the activities you’re planning? Will it cost you any money to use the space or park?


Now that you know what you’re doing, why, and some of the details, it’s time to establish HOW to make your event happen.

1. Resources: What do you need to put on this event? Staffing, food, games, movies, flyers, favors, tables, chairs etc. This varies tremendously for each event, but brainstorming with your members will help you easily determine all you need. Remember to think big and small. Maybe you’re bringing a poster… Don’t forget the tape! If you want to have an email sign up sheet, you’ll need working pens. Or are you hosting a diaper drive? Be sure to bring a box or cart to transport the items. And don’t forget to make some space in the back seat of your car!

2. Atmosphere: Maybe you’re going to dinner or a movie- the atmosphere there is created for you. However, if you’re planning a party or tabling in the quad- the atmosphere is yours to create with music, decorations, lighting etc. Just think of the 5 senses- sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. How will you make your display/event more appealing, attractive, and enjoyable?

3. Funding: How much will the materials, food, location, decorations, favors, publicity, and other necessities cost? How will you pay for this? Do you have enough in your bank account or will you need to reach out to donors? Are you charging a fee for the event? Is this amount too little to cover costs? Or is it so much that it’ll discourage people from attending?

4. Advertising: Who will you reach out to and how? Will you use free methods or pay for publicity? You can utilize social media, emails, texts, phone calls, letters, flyers, commercials, newspaper ads, posters etc. Which method is most effective for your event- paper or digital? What wording and graphics will attract your intended audience? Will you need RSVPs? Who should they contact if they have questions or comments?


You get the gist. Although there are lots of questions to consider, it really comes down to this basic outline:

  1. What- Event Idea
  2. Why- Purpose
  3. Who- Attendees/Participants
  4. When- Date and Time
  5. Where- Location
  6. How- Resources/Supplies, Atmosphere, Funding, and Advertising


There you have it- this is what you need to consider when planning any event. I wish you tremendous luck in your future endeavors!

Is there anything you think I missed? Did this help you plan your event? Let me know in the comments below!

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